Redefining “Pilates” Science - What’s “Radical” (and What Isn’t)

“Radically different research is necessary in order to discover and apply the laws of nature assuring man of his birthright to ‘Mental and Physical Balance’. NOT Mind OR Body BUT Mind AND Body
— Joseph H. Pilates, Your Health, 1934

In the first online AIM Conversation (10-30-22), "The Modern History of Pilates", we briefly mentioned the question “Has science caught up to the work of Joseph H. Pilates?” Some say that “the science IS now catching up” with Joe’s work.
So, continuing that discussion from TAC#1, we are centering this TAC#2 event around the quote above.

Historically, the pilates professionalization process has led to scrutinization of Joe's work as to the “scientific” validity of his claims/explanations; this continues today. However, while JHPilates is often quoted, it is rare, if ever, that the above quote has been cited or discussed by those who profess to use “critical thinking” in relation to his work. At Bodies Mind®, we consider this quote to be a very important idea, central to Joe’s contribution, and it’s time to have an embodied conversation around it!

So, what did Joe mean by “Radically different research”?
“Different” in what way? What kinds of science/research?
Have we, as a community, been on a track to realizing our birthright?
What does it mean to be a “radical” thinker in the field of pilates?
...and more....

If you are a multidisciplinary professional (manual and/or movement) who loves pilates practice and cultivates a beginner’s mind, we invite you to join us on December 9, 2022, 8-10amPST. This Free TAC Event is sure to be an informative, and lively 2-hr conversation that presents Pilates by AIM’s cooperative perspective on redefining “science” in the field of pilates. Joe’s books and other writing will be cited. (Recommended reading: Your Health by JHPilates, 1934).

Bring your whole self, your philosophical (party!) hat, as well as your mat, with you to this event. Let’s remember Joe on his Birthday, now 55 years since his passing, as we illuminate and celebrate the gifts he left us!
To Register: Click here or the image above

We present this AIM Conversation as a benefit for The Pilates Transparency Project. If you resonate with BMA's vision of distinguishing and uplifting public perception of pilates practice to benefit a larger, more diverse, and inclusive audience, then, please support this initiative! Use the direct link to the GoFundMe page.

Carole Amend1 Comment