The Modern History of Pilates - finding our common ground

At Bodies Mind® Academy, we have always kept informed about the "pilatical" issues that affect our values of Gratitude, Reciprocity, and Technique. How do we remain balanced and centered in times of community struggle? We keep our focus on the movement practice we all share - pilates!

The evolution of Pilates Education and Professional Practice has come a long way since the passing of JHPilates. As we outline the Modern History of Pilates, we invite you to participate by sharing your experience of how the body-mind practice of pilates has advanced at the technical level.

Pilates practice is phenomenal and deserves a language of its own, as we find our unique voices as teachers. Our common ground goes deep…beyond the repertoire. It connects us all as humans - in body, mind, and spirit. Come away with an experience of the Amend Integrative Model in action - creating community and cooperation in the field of pilates and beyond through inclusive dialogue.

Time will fly by - there’s so much to discuss! And there will be breaks for somatic movement "treats" for all, so . . . we invite you to be “Mat-ready”!
Join fellow pilates colleagues and add your voice as we both reminisce about how far we've come -and- envision a brighter future for our profession - together! ❤️ We hope to see you there!

We present this AIM Conversation as a benefit for The Pilates Transparency Project. If you resonate with BMA's vision of distinguishing and uplifting public perception of pilates practice to benefit a larger, more diverse, and inclusive audience, then, please support this initiative! Use the direct link to the GoFundMe page.

Carole Amend1 Comment