Dry Skin Brushing for Health


In his book, Return to Life Through Contrology, Joseph H. Pilates expounded his view of how to “achieve thorough cleanliness”:

In our opinion, the correct technique to use in accomplishing this highly desirable result is to use only a good stiff brush (no handle) since this type of brush forces us to twist, squirm, and contort ourselves in every conceivable way in our attempts to reach every portion of our body which is otherwise comparatively easy to reach with a handle brush. The use of a good stiff brush as described stimulates circulation, thoroughly cleans OUT the pores of the skin and removes dead skin too.

Sounds like a very robust and invigorating practice, doesn’t it? True to form, J.H.Pilates wanted people to move…first and foremost! This is a very good thing…for every body.

And while there is no doubt that exfoliation is beneficially stimulating….it could be debated that not every body needs to use a “good stiff brush.” Our skin is the largest organ of the human body’s integumentary system. It serves many functions, and so, it would be wise that we also handle it with the utmost thought and care. So today, I’m writing to inform you about using a soft brush, with a focus upon the affect upon the lymphatic and other systems of the body through what’s called “dry brushing.” I definitely recommend this practice before bathing or showering.

To assist you in beginning this practice, I can direct you to a few YouTube videos: One practice is presented by Sue Hitzmann, originator of the MELT Method, and another is based on the work of Dr. Berkowsky, presented by greensmoothiegirl.com. I suggest watching the videos and then experiment with the way that’s best for you.

When time is a consideration…as always, approach the practice simply and use common sense. Where dry brushing is concerned, if it feels good…it’s probably very good for your health!

~awareness that moves you...Bodies Mind®

Carole AmendComment