Navigating Covid

3.16.2020 - 3.15.2023
What is your movement practice and how has it helped you navigate these three Covid years?

Finding the flow is a major component of a conscious pilates practice. For me, the metaphor of water flowing — whether its source is a faucet, a creek, a river, or an ocean — is a measure of a quality of the experience of life events. What I remember about these pandemic years is not only an image of a well gone dry, in the form of so many lives and loves lost worldwide. The image of the deep and necessary stirring of the murky waters of brutal injustice and thoughtless inequity reminds us that there is much work to be done.
What’s important to remember is that, if the human nervous system has the capacity to endure suffering and survive, it must also have the ability to heal and to thrive. Our movement practices help us to keep “moving through change” - my signature motto. May the beating of our hearts and the cadence of our breath guide us. As we practice, may we always do better.

With Gratitude

Just before the pandemic hit, I was set to begin teaching classes to the community and beyond. The mandated closing not only interrupted but, it now seems, also ended relationships and practices that had been built, some over many years, which felt truly heartbreaking; the subsequent loss of my Mill Valley Studio space - what I thought would be its “forever home” - was a setback, to say the least. The choice to keep moving forward has required, once again, a conscious effort to steer clear of fear, choosing gratitude for the gifts I’ve been given.
One of those gifts is that I am honored to be in the company of wonderful clients and colleagues, whose commitment to their personal movement practices sustained the studio and the Bodies Mind® mission and vision. I am so incredibly grateful. The past few years have been a testimony to the gifts that movement practice brings - connection, compassion, and community through bodymind coordination.

Studio COVID Operations History

Bodies Mind® Studio operations were first closed beginning 3.16.2020 by Marin County mandate. The Studio was relocated from Mill Valley to a small space in San Anselmo, CA. Onsite sessions resumed on 1.26.21, operating in accordance with Marin County Guidelines and COVID-19 business mandates and safety protocols.
In January 2023, the studio moved to a new space, centrally located in San Rafael, CA. We remained conscious of the necessary COVID safety protocols..
UPDATE: As of January 2024, the studio has moved once again to a new home in Larkspur, CA. Finally, a peaceful environment with lots of light, an elevator, and plenty of parking. Bodies Mind clients are conscious individuals who care about the safety of others; Masks are worn when necessary or appropriate.
I look forward to meeting you there, as we all continue to ride this wave and practice finding the flow!

Carole AmendComment